Pluto In Aquarius
Let the Transformation Begin!
First of all, I want to clarify that Pluto is a slow-moving planet, with each transit through a sign lasting between 18 and 20 years. We are about to witness 20 years of Pluto in Aquarius.
In recent years, we’ve heard a lot about the Age of Aquarius. For me, this transit marks its official beginning, especially considering that the first major aspect Pluto creates is a conjunction with the Sun. It’s as if we’ve been preparing for a different scenario, and now this transit is the curtain rising. What’s behind it?
I will go step by step, dismantling and reassembling pieces of a puzzle in which we are all involved.
Number 1: Pluto, the Slow Pluto
Pluto is a collective planet, and when it moves, we see its effects both in our personal lives and on a collective scale. It shifts the energy of the entire planet, sometimes bringing about events and effects that we cannot ignore.
Last year, in early October, Pluto went retrograde in Capricorn while the North Node was in Aries. A few days after this transit, we witnessed the beginning of one of the largest genocides live. We can no longer pretend nothing is happening; we must acknowledge how the society we have built (Capricorn) is collapsing (Pluto) to make room for a new vision (Aquarius).
The Pain and the Karmic Lessons
Yes, it hurts. Pluto can hurt us if we don’t understand the karmic weight of our situations. Our actions carry karma, and even if we’re not aware of it, it will come back to ask us questions:
- Where is my power?
- Where can I change direction?
- What weight do my actions have?
- How can I influence others positively?
- What do I need to let go of?
- What am I not seeing that I need to become aware of?
- What level of consciousness am I at?
- How am I part of this event, and how can I rebalance the energy?
Unlike many who struggle openly on social media (whom I appreciate and thank), I felt compelled to work on myself through targeted actions and daily acts to rebalance all the discomfort seen and reviewed through images and videos. For me, silence is only complicit when driven by fear and cowardice. My silence was and is conscious. The revolution can be silent, and the more quietly we participate, the harder it is for the great powers to notice.
Aquarius and the Collective Vision
Aquarius represents vision, the power of the masses against the power of the few. With Pluto in Capricorn for the past 18 years, we’ve let power be controlled by a few at the top of the corporate structure. Pluto in Aquarius guides us to reclaim this power, understanding that it resides within the collective. A wealthy elite is powerless against an unhappy, frustrated, and suffering planet.
At first, Pluto will amplify our pain, leading to exhaustion, nervousness, and apparent hopelessness. But it will transit through Aquarius for 20 years—this is inevitable. Aquarius rules the 11th house, the house of genius, community, collective good, visions, and out-of-the-box thinking.
The scenario we face today is painful, but Pluto is the lord of transformation, death, and rebirth, like the Tower in the Tarot. What is no longer part of us must be let go to make room for the new. To make space, we must understand what burdens we carry that slow us down, preventing us from embracing this vision.
A New Vision
Aquarius works for the collective good. Over the next 20 years, we will all learn, some sooner and some later, how to work for the collective. We will understand how to reclaim power and redistribute it, decentralizing the power we left in the hands of others for too long.
We all have Aquarian energy in our birth charts; it’s up to us to understand how to use it. If we can’t, Pluto will guide us in the discovery. Expect slow steps backward, moments of despair and anger, unanswered questions, and chaos. But take the time to observe what’s happening around you as people begin to wake up and realize that every little step carries karmic weight.
Connecting to the Source
When a planet transits between the 27th and 3rd degrees from one sign to another, the true element is called Aether. These past months and the upcoming ones connect us with the Source, allowing us to download information. Take time for yourself, understand the vision, and figure out how you can be part of it. Creative power is inherent in all of us from birth, not just an artistic talent. These months are a springboard, a preparation for the revolution.
This is the first time I’ve witnessed Pluto’s transit from one sign to another as an astrologer. I feel confusion and excitement because Pluto transits my 9th and 10th houses in my birth chart. My career and professional path have been changing profoundly, and I’m eager to see the direction life takes me through this transit.
Now, I want to share my vision for the future, hoping to inspire and fuel the collective power toward a more aware world:
A Vision for the Future
“I open my eyes to the gentle light of the 6 am Sun bathing my bedroom. I put on a light t-shirt and open the door of my house for my usual morning walk. My little mud house looks like a small mushroom among many others, with colorful domes. In our community of 30-40 people, we chose vibrant roof colors to fuel our spirits. The fresh morning wind takes me in a different direction every day, discovering hidden corners and buried treasures on our large land.
On my morning rounds, I bring food and gifts for the animals and the earth. If something no longer feels like mine, I leave it to the earth to nourish the cycle of nature. When I return, the community comes to life. The early hours are dedicated to awakening the body and mind through yoga, meditation, and journaling. Work begins at 10 am, with everyone contributing their skills to the collective. Our community is self-sufficient, powered by the Sun and nourished by the earth.
Each day ends with a gathering around the fire to play, sing, and share. Psychedelics are welcome for those who seek them. Twice a month, we celebrate with rituals for the new and full moons.
This vision is idyllic but acknowledges our humanity. Discussions, disillusionments, moods, and clashes are part of it. My community won’t be perfect because perfection exists only in the logical mind. Nature understands the language of energy, and the more skilled we become at understanding it, the better we can act from a place of love.”
With love,
Claudia Maria Adele